A delicate, capricious twilight breeze danced inconsequently through languidly whisperingleaves.
The moon was high in the heavens, and shone softly through the whisperingleaves.
The air vibrates with wordless promises, calls, messages, beckonings; and fairy-tales are told by all the whisperingleaves.
She longed for the stillness of the starlit meadow, and the dim lane with its faint perfumes and whisperingleaves.
His soul was like a garden full of light, life, perfume, color and the music of singing birds and whisperingleaves.
A sudden inspiration, coming maybe from the whisperingleaves, or from the elm, or from the mysterious flickering moonbeams, flashed through me.
What a murmur of multitudinous tongues, like the whisperingleaves of a wind-stirred oak, as the scholars con over their various tasks!
Every window which glitters in the sunlight seems to greet me with shining eyes, and the whisperingleaves appear to bid me welcome.
There was a light wind, and now and then the young trees in the lane were driven into a soft tumult of whisperingleaves.
Yet the memory of the greeting remained with him, a thing to be wondered at while he turned the whisperingleaves of his great books.
On beds of silken softness you will long for the sleep-song of whisperingleaves above your head, and the smell of a couch of balsam-boughs.
Like a tired animal, she gave herself up to the pleasure of physical relaxation, staring at a perfect turquoise sky through the whisperingleaves above.
"That's one of our torpilleurs-whatyou call trench-sweepers, "saidthe observer among the whisperingleaves.
"Churches should always have soft walks of turf; and lovers," I would fain have added, "should have naught but whisperingleaves about them."