Значения для термина "wield political" отсутствуют.
1 Now, Ghani was proclaiming that his spouse would wield political influence.
2 Many communist-era officials still have public roles and continue to wield political and business influence in Romania.
3 At the same time, the citizens of both Russia and Ukraine have seen unelected oligarchs wield political influence.
4 Women serve on the Supreme Court, run Fortune 500 companies, and wield political power in the halls of Congress.
5 The answer is that heavily unionised workers in the auto sector wield political clout out of proportion to their numbers.
6 Yet shortly after finishing his first day at the home in Cesano Boscone, Berlusconi showed he still intends to wield political clout.
7 Rosatom has signed billions of dollars worth of overseas contracts and is seen as a tool for Russia to wield political influence abroad.
8 If Corbyn wants to have a material impact on the lives of the people he cares about, then he needs to wield political power.
9 By this amendment we strike down the iniquity of one class wielding political power for another, and arrogant because in the exercise of unjust power.
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