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Значения термина wreak revenge на английском
Значения для термина "wreak revenge" отсутствуют.
Использование термина wreak revenge на английском
It was obvious Lucien intended to wreakrevenge on the man, Hawk.
I shall be saved and taken home, but Nigel will wreakrevenge on HIM.
It was mentioned in passing that the drowned villagers might be coming back to wreakrevenge.
Charles, relieved from his German troubles, gathered his strength to wreakrevenge upon the King of France.
Elsewhere in Europe, Pitt's character Aldo Raine forms a group of Jewish-American soldiers to wreakrevenge on German forces.
They roused to action, and determined to wreakrevenge upon the mast-cutters between the St. John and the A-jem-sek.
Word raced through the streets that Doe's people were now on the rampage, ready to wreakrevenge on anyone.
Seeing an opportunity not only to wreakrevenge, but to reclaim his personal property, the mime jumped Lysander from behind.
Even the I'm-not-a-feminist women of Fox News, who, after over 30 decades of harassment, decided to fight back and wreakrevenge on Roger Ailes.
It was therefore an accusation against the wealthy merchants of Berlin, against which they could not defend themselves, but for which they could wreakrevenge.
When a new start with Kayla Silverfox (Lynn Collins) falls apart, Wolverine sets out to wreakrevenge on those who've ruined his life.
What satisfaction was there in wreakingrevenge on a dead man?
I enjoyed Mrs Ross's incompetent but Tarantino-esque approach to wreakingrevenge on her son's killer.
Initially, they were both threatened by family and friends of the men she wreakedrevenge upon.
He masters the art of retribution in this ice-cold tale of a slave who wreaksrevenge on his captors.
By that point, the city was flooding with Soviet forces intent on wreakingrevenge on their most bitter of enemies.