(Religion) the world of the dead.
(Greek mythology) the god of the underworld in ancient mythology; brother of Zeus and husband of Persephone.
In Greek mythology, the underworld and abode of the dead.
1Artemis resumed her cradling position as Zeus crawled over to Hades' side.
2The matter is serious, very serious indeed; all Hades is in commotion.
3If any ask after me, tell them to seek me in Hades.
4Every muscle in my body is raising particular Hades at this moment.
5Of that the old creature in her nethermost Hades was nearly incapable.
6Another upgrade Hades made: he tightened security at the gates of Erebos.
7Phlegethon: a river of Hades in which flowed flames instead of water.
8This time, Hades sent the messenger god Hermes to look for Sisyphus.
9There had been an earthquake, all right, and it was Hades's fault.
10An inquirer had asked how Epicurus fared in Hades, and was told:
11Yes, and where were Persephone's guards that day that Hades got her?
12Sisyphos was punished by being obliged to roll stones up-hill in Hades.
13The roar that followed made Hades's earthquake look like a minor event.
14Let us have Odysseus down in Hades, and Ajax stalking past him.
15He had under him the great wrong-doers of one part of Hades.
16You'll need to travel to Hades then, for he is also dead.