Letter of the Latin alphabet.
A heavy grey-white metallic element; the pure form is used mainly in electrical applications; it is found in several ores including wolframite and scheelite.
Veure'n més
The cardinal compass point that is a 270 degrees.
Examples for "west "
Examples for "west "
1 However it said it anticipated the situation in the west would improve.
2 Groups working to help prevent suicide throughout the north - west have money problems.
3 Free State: Fine and cool but warm in the north and north - west .
4 She needed fresh air and a long cure, out west , in Europe.
5 Europe and the west , they have a simple way of developing Africa.
1 Peyton set his course westward and almost immediately was over the ocean.
2 Their general course seemed the same as our own; to the westward .
3 The windows of the room in which she was lying looked westward .
4 Scores of torches flared in the darkness as the workmen hurried westward .
5 Portugal holding that to the eastward and Spain that to the westward .
1 Hence Asia could be reached by sailing due west across the Atlantic.
2 The hatches closed once more, and our course was set due west .
3 But the Ohio pursues a south-west instead of a due west course.
4 But before long they made an angle and turned almost due west .
5 Then march them ahead straight on for a hundred yards due west .
Altres significats de "W" 1 Interventions: A 200 - W , cooled-tip RF probe system was used for all cases.
2 US President George W Bush is to visit Northern Ireland next month.
3 But the enormous sum was well beyond the means of W 's family.
4 To minimize that, some companies are saying the W - 2 should be used.
5 Other participants included existing investor W Capital and the AARP Innovation Fund.
6 King, C. W : The Gnostics and their Remains; Hand-book of Engraved Gems.
7 In fact, the planned move began when George W Bush was president.
8 A 45 W power adapter cut the full-charge time by about an hour.
9 It is now backed by W Capital Partners and Oaktree Capital Partners.
10 Conclusion: Non-fatal strokes increased mortality in ACTIVE - W , but non-disabling strokes did not.
11 But international best-selling author and speaker Dr Wayne W Dyer isn't worried.
12 I rose early in the morning to accompany my friends to W -
13 The fourth recipient is Irish-American US District Court Judge Donald W Molloy.
14 Bernanke was appointed chairman by president George W Bush in February 2006.
15 Among the rush of visitors to-day were Miss Haines and the W - - s.
16 Former Republican presidents include George W Bush, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon.
Més exemples per a "W"
Gramàtica, pronunciació i més