1A rush of blood suffices at times to bedim a conscience.
2Then her face flushed, and a warm cloud seemed to bedim her eyes.
3Do tears bedim that lady's eye?
4After several minutes a scared, black face peers through the smoke-bedimmed glass.
5What business have we to prophesy bedimming tears to those resplendent eyes?
6His gentle stewardess looked at him through eyes a trifle bedimmed.
7Percival was suddenly conscious of a mist bedimming his eyes.
8Queen Anaïtis was very beautiful, even under his bedimming shadow.
9Ah, whose eye hath not bedimmed in this intoxicated twilight!
10The steam mounting from the glass bedimmed his spectacles.
11The backgrounds still retain a bedimmed splendor of gilding.
12Her white lips were set hard, and her fine eyes became again bedimmed by tears.
13And as she spoke, a tear bedimmed her eye.
14Sometimes, as Grandfather gazed at their fair, unworldly countenances, a mist of tears bedimmed his spectacles.
15The tear which bedims my eye, is an evidence of the sincerity with which I subscribe myself
16The picture bedims and enfeebles its neighbours.