(Slang) offensive term for a lesbian who is noticeably masculine.
Masculine lesbian or bisexual woman.
Used of men; markedly masculine in appearance or manner.
Examples for "macho"
Examples for "macho"
1What do boys lose when brought up to believe in macho ideals?
2They consistently put out groundbreaking images: macho but camp, feminine but hard.
3What is meant to look macho is actually the cringe of panic.
4Home birth: unbridled agony promoted by macho women and their atavistic midwives.
5So drop the macho act and tell me who you're working for.
1If she wanted to look butch, she would need to try harder.
2I always think I'll be sort of smooth and butch and graceful.
3He'd probably first thought Isaac was a butch girl in a tux.
4It preferred to put its faith in the butch All-Road A6 estate.
5To help butch up the grill experience invest in pop culture grill kit.
6Steinke is determined to butch things out, at least in a medical sense.
7Does Madonna really loook that butch when you're standing beside her?
8Lawrence's hair is shorter, stuck up in front with butch wax.
9The man was short, beefy, grey hair cut in a butch.
10I demand a name that sounds more butch and up-to-date.
11He had a butch haircut and a keg of beer hanging over his belt.
12That's just how assertive and butch the leader of the opposition really is, Cameron said.
13It was adopting a butch rightwing approach, often thoughtlessly.
14That's just how assertive and butch the Leader of the Opposition really is, he quipped.
15The butch haircut I think we both agreed on.
16This is seriously, this is manly, this is butch.