Act of repudiation, abnegation, or declination.
Examples for "denied"
Examples for "denied"
1However, the British oil major denied the deal made significant new concessions.
2The authorities have denied allegations of government corruption and abuse of power.
3However, also speaking in parliament, the former prime minister denied all wrongdoing.
4Witnesses said troops opened fire from attack helicopters; the military denied this.
5Myanmar's ambassador in Geneva denied his government arrested people for political reasons.
1DISCRIMINATION Spitzer also said the refusal involved the victims' nationality and religion.
2China has said 47 countries support its refusal to recognize the case.
3The senate still persisted in its refusal; the army in its request.
4Clinical symptoms include chronic food refusal, weight loss and body image distortions.
5Employers will need to carefully consider the circumstances of any such refusal.
1Results: Fresh markets are under economic pressure and are declining in number.
2Since 1969 the security situation in Northern Ireland had been declining significantly.
3In fact, the State pension has actually been declining in real terms.
4Several bank executives have warned about declining quality of energy sector loans.
5If road policing is declining, that is a serious concern, he said.
1We excluded case reports, case series, and studies in subpopulations of patients.
2Case reports and case series with less than 10 patients were excluded.
3Only patients with recent infarction or left main stem disease were excluded.
4This result did not change significantly when the proxy responses were excluded.
5Previous meetings have been held behind closed doors in public excluded sessions.
1However, denial of immunity doesn't necessarily mean a certain loss for police.
2Outright denial of climate science is becoming an increasingly difficult political position.
3North Korea repeated its denial of such speculation in the new statement.
4OK, much of Greece's political class was in a state of denial.
5Penalties include seizure of assets, visa bans and denial of government contracts.
1Objective: Identify risk factors for delay in the diagnosis and trial exclusion.
2The EU executive said it remained unclear how an exclusion would work.
3He said social-economic issues and fighting poverty and social exclusion were crucial.
4This Government has one last chance to tackle poverty and social exclusion.
5Excessive greenhouse gas emissions became a criterion for exclusion four years ago.
1He grew in the grace of patience, and in spirituality and self-abnegation.
2By the completeness of self-abnegation may the footsteps of love be traced.
3Such self-abnegation caused him to become the full brunt of the beatings.
4Yet the laugh was politeness carried to the utmost point of self-abnegation.
5The martyr's abnegation of self is not yet dead in the world.
1The terrible repudiation scene ensues, in which Camillo casts off his wife.
2Such a tremendous repudiation of national debts was never heard of before.
3Never has there been such an instant repudiation of Connolly's dismal dictum.
4Willetts uttered a half-laugh, an uneasy, contemptuous expression of scorn and repudiation.
5Does Claudio's demeanor in the repudiation scene betray the violence of love?
1The angle between the magnetic and the true North is the declination.
2I beg that you will at once telegraph him my respectful declination.
3And that all Anticipation is but a deflexion or declination by accident.
4Steptoe's declination of the nomination and his recommendation of Young soon followed.
5A time-shot was successful, and observations were also taken for magnetic declination.
1Of course Nice regrets saying no to a particular new pharmaceutical product.
2And I'm not saying no one was in the Randalls' house today.
3Merkel rejected that argument, saying no funds were taken away for refugees.
4Right now, saying no to this idea you've got for the Ferret?
5Perhaps for this reason, Parton had long been saying no to festivals.
1The rudeness of refusing a request that is improper to grant is a very venial offence.
2There is no precedent for the queen refusing a request by her prime minister under these circumstances, Rees-Mogg told the BBC.
3But that conscience was a very easy one, being almost as incapable of seeing a joke as of refusing a request.
4Israel has refused to disclose details of the case, refusing a request for information from Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
5Refusing a request from someone senior is not easy, but always being the yes-person brings you perilously close to becoming the office doormat.
1The court ordered him remanded in custody until the next hearing on July 25, denying a request for bail.
2There was also that bit about the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals denying a request to reinstate President Trump's travel ban.
3Even an idiot realized that denying a request from a powerful assembly of demons needed to be done with a bit of tact.
4Uthman had always been an exceedingly kind and generous man, and in truth, I could not remember him ever denying a request by anyone.
Translations for declining a request