Encara no tenim significats per a "don the uniform".
1She made him don the uniform she had brought with her.
2He practically commanded her to don the uniform he laid out.
3Don't forget, too, that at times he even dared to don the uniform of a British officer.
4I managed a tight smile, the one you attain when you first don the uniform of the Guards.
5Jack donned the uniform, for the German was a big man.
6But, added she, it was the uniform's fault; all the lads who donned the uniform became sad dolts.
7For the first time since he had donned the uniform Mahon began to question his capacity for it.
8Never did I see a peacock strut with more ostentation than did some of the prisoners on donning the uniform.
9But we'll have to move quickly and silently; and we shall have to don the uniforms almost in a single jump.
10He wasn't a soldier, but a War Department agent who had donned the uniform for a purpose, and had come to
11She pretends to be one of the nurses of this hospital, dons the uniform, and comes in here to get the papers.
12Presently they emerged from the stream and again donned the uniforms they had taken from the room that was intended as a prison.
13The one who cracked the stupidest jokes in the world in his off hours, but who was all business when he donned the uniform.
14Ah, they were good days, those-betterthan he had ever known since he came to London and donned the uniform of the Blue Dragoons.
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