Значения для термина "don the uniform" отсутствуют.
1 She made him don the uniform she had brought with her.
2 He practically commanded her to don the uniform he laid out.
3 Don't forget, too, that at times he even dared to don the uniform of a British officer.
4 I managed a tight smile, the one you attain when you first don the uniform of the Guards.
5 Jack donned the uniform , for the German was a big man.
6 But, added she, it was the uniform's fault; all the lads who donned the uniform became sad dolts.
7 For the first time since he had donned the uniform Mahon began to question his capacity for it.
8 Never did I see a peacock strut with more ostentation than did some of the prisoners on donning the uniform .
9 But we'll have to move quickly and silently; and we shall have to don the uniforms almost in a single jump.
10 He wasn't a soldier, but a War Department agent who had donned the uniform for a purpose, and had come to
11 She pretends to be one of the nurses of this hospital, dons the uniform , and comes in here to get the papers.
12 Presently they emerged from the stream and again donned the uniforms they had taken from the room that was intended as a prison.
13 The one who cracked the stupidest jokes in the world in his off hours, but who was all business when he donned the uniform .
14 Ah, they were good days, those-betterthan he had ever known since he came to London and donned the uniform of the Blue Dragoons.
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