Concept of God in the Jewish faith.
Examples for "jehovah"
Examples for "jehovah"
1Amos calls Jehovah the God of Hosts, never the God of Israel.
2Jehovah and Israel, religion and patriotism, once more went hand in hand.
3I am surprised by the Jehovah's Witness theology, especially this last point.
4But only the Kingdom of Jehovah will solve the problems of mankind.
5We read in the Word that Jehovah God dwells in light inaccessible.
1By this construction, Yahweh's work was indicated, and Yahweh's work was concealed.
2So the service of the house of Yahweh was set in order.
3But he would not be so brash as to access Yahweh directly.
4But how would irascible Yahweh measure up to these other lofty visions?
5Josuah cried, 'and give your hearts to Yahweh, the God of Israel!'
1But when they learned that the other prisoners were to witness the execution, they opted instead for a kiddish hashem, a private martyrdom.
2C. A. Murray succeeded Mr. Thomson, and he also favoured Meerza Hashem.
3Thugs will have a great time throughout the night, said businessman Abul Hashem.
4Former defence minister Sultan Hashem Ahmed was also in court.
5HaShem, when He sees what on earth we're doing, it gives to Him ideas.
1All peoples will be merged into one, acknowledging the one God Adonai.
2Adonai's wisdom is sound and I thank him for the lesson.
3The people have introduced a new God called Adonai or Adonis.
4Adonai or Adon, the Phoenician name for the Sun God, 587-u.
5Whether he be called El, Jehovah, or Adonai, he is the same Lord.
1Firstly lets start with the good and G-d is it GOOD!
2G-D made it very obvious that he didn't want his people to know.
3I don't know why, you don't know why, only G-D knows.
4By G-d, I think, for once in his life, he would hold straight!
5I'll buy two or three acres of ground, and, by G-d!
1Osanna sanctus Deus Sabaoth, superillustrans claritate tua felices ignes horum malacoth!
2Holy God of Sabaoth, beaming with thy brightness upon the blessed fires of these realms.
3Lord of Sabaoth, with Thee is no distinction in helping in great things or in small.
4The oppressed tell a tale, that goes up into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.
5This represents Sabaoth, the father of the Devil.
1In the Koran, however, al-Lah is more impersonal than YHWH.
2Helias: Elijah, the prophet, EliYah = My God is YHWH.
3I see Moses, greatest of Hebrew prophets, descending from Sinai after his audience with the original YHWH.
4By the third and second centuries BCE, Jews no longer pronounced the holy name, which is written YHWH.
5YHWH: God's secret and unspeakable name.
1I shall never return to the Jewish God of wrath and revenge!
2Power, Love, Wisdom-thereyou have a real trinity which makes up the Jewish God.
3So is the story of the Jewish god if one ignores its arrogant claims.
4It was Paul who invented the idea of taking the Jewish God to the Gentiles.
5The Jewish God in Hegel's view was a tyrant who required unquestioning submission to an intolerable Law.
1The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me.
2And he would be the favored mouthpiece of the God of Israel.
3And they carried the ark of the God of Israel about thither.
4Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel from eternity to eternity.
5Amos calls Jehovah the God of Hosts, never the God of Israel.
1For I bear in my body the marks of the lord Iesu.
2Greet them of the household of Narcissus which are in the lord.
3A similar debate took place in the lords with nearly identical results.
4I hope for help from the Lord of power, Creator of mankind.
5Inwardly in the former is the devil, in the latter the Lord.
1The uncertainty about God in Judaism reacted on life and made it hard.
Translations for god in judaism