But there is one great objection to the use of soda alone as a leaveningagent.
Most recipes rely on baking soda and cream of tartar as the leaveningagent for two reasons.
To appraise the quantity of the matter expectorated is beyond my powers: I observe the result, but do not perceive the leaveningagent.
In an alkaline (low acid) batter, a teaspoon of baking powder is a more effective leaveningagent than an equal amount of soda.
Explain the action of the leaveningagents in Sour Milk Griddle Cakes (without eggs).
(5) Why are soda and sour milk and soda and molasses not accurate leaveningagents?
The miners relied on the primitive leavening mostly because, unlike other leaveningagents, it was easily renewed and maintained in the rugged frontier conditions.