The mother of your father or mother.
1It seemed cruel to pick a verbal fight with a nanna.
2Since the "nanna" was out for the evening, Mrs. Hopkins rushed to his side.
3A 15-year-old boy "shocked" by his nanna's advanced dementia has released a song about her devastating illness.
4The "nanna" had returned to England.
5Kerrie and Spencer proved this by matching it with a soft-colour palette and pairing it with a "nanna" chenille bedspread.
6Steve Roach and Corey Parker were asked whether they thought it was "nanna's tea towel, a lumberjack's flannel or a good footy jersey".
7Like all of her outfits, the princess wore it with class and style, but this ensemble was beyond sensible -almost falling into nanna territory.
8Nanna was still busy in the kitchen, so I was by myself.
9She could still hear Mary-Nanna singing her song about the Bumpetty-Bumpetty Major.
10Why is a print lifted straight from Nanna's blouse adorning the walls?
11But how can we describe Nanna's joyful surprise when she discovered Gottlieb.
12Old Nanna brought Baby John and put him on his grandmother's knee.
13Keeping his house was nothing; Nanna had always kept it well.
14For a few moments Nanna stood undecidedly upon the threshold of the door.
15Nanna pointed out to her that his bed had not been slept in.
16Like Nanna, Mags said, referring to their grandmother Sarah, Jeep's sister.