Wash dirt in a pan to separate out the precious minerals.
1Take the pan off the heat and gradually stir in the wine.
2Take the pan off the heat & remove any mussels that don't open.
3Papa Demetrios lifted the pan off the fire and took the lid off.
4He slid the pan off the stove & came over to me very concerned.
5He moved his pan off the burner and then wiggled his eyebrows at her.
6Take the pan off the fire and pour in the milk all at once.
7Take the pan off the heat and leave the stock to go cold before straining.
8Keep pan off heat and stir sauce occasionally with large fork to keep from thickening.
9Take the pan off the heat, and stir in the 75g of butter until melted.
10He'd grabbed a frying pan off the cook top, as if that would do any good.
11To test the setting point: take the pan off the heat and allow the bubbles to subside.
12I took the pan off the cooker and replaced it with the one holding the battery acid.
13Once almost all the water has evaporated, take the pan off the heat and tangle into four bowls.
14Gilchrist, who has the next claim below, has got six hundred dollars in a single pan off bedrock.
15He took the pan off the fire and let the bacon cool and they ate it, slowly, thoughtfully.
16Then she took the pan off the stove and sat down to wait for the liquid to cool.