An overcrowded residential area.
Examples for "warren"
Examples for "warren"
1A perfect warren of tunnels and dug-outs leads off in every direction.
2The Cubs, however, faced far longer odds than Warren does in Iowa.
3INVESTOR extraordinaire Warren Buffett knows the importance of asking the right question.
4The appointment of new coach Warren Joyce is a case in point.
5Warren Jeffs is both a problem and the symptom of a problem.
1Panic spreads through the European commission like ferrets in a rabbit warren.
2It's a rabbit warren in there, lot of dead ends and one-ways.
3This court is as a mighty rabbit warren, peopled with women instead of rabbits.
4The dwarf altered his course, chewing his way towards the rabbit warren he'd noted earlier.
5The dressmaker on the street floor of the rabbit warren had gone out of business.
6After a moment, Emily followed Lucy, snaking through a rabbit warren of hallways and rooms.
7Horna hurried and scurried with the purposeful intent of a ferret in a rabbit warren.
8The whole clan's here now-it'slike a rabbit warren.
9What with them and your regular passengers, the ship must be like a rabbit warren!
10Like some guy who's spent his life in this rabbit warren's going to fix me up.
11So far, they'd seen nothing that would indicate the rabbit warren of tunnels supposedly inside this mountain.
12It's like a rabbit warren around here.
13The shabby, but sound old building is something of a rabbit warren and hasn't been used for decades.
14It looks like any old ramshackle building, until you enter and discover a rabbit warren of recording studios.
15He defended a rabbit warren against rats, simply by the odor of a guinea-pig which he placed in it.
16The Cat drew on the boots and slung the bag round his neck and set off for a rabbit warren.
Translations for rabbit warren