To come to an agreement or settlement of a dispute or argument, to attempt to sort something out between parties or to settle a case, to finish animosities.
Veure'n més 1 Purdue said it needs time to try to settle the remaining cases.
2 They are to meet next week to try to settle the issue.
3 Let's try to settle ourselves comfortably here in view of the dwelling.
4 It seemed to try to settle down vertically, as a rocket takes off.
5 And the meetings we had to try to settle the question!
6 Under WTO rules, Washington has 60 days to try to settle the latest dispute.
7 I did not try to settle that question, Miss Sturgis.
8 Purdue said it needs the litigation pause to try to settle with the hold-out plaintiffs.
9 Be sure not to try to settle yourself with wine; it'll only make you worse.
10 I went to Cummings to try to settle things between us, without Evelyn knowing it.
11 Meanwhile, a committee had come from Quincy to try to settle the troubles without bloodshed.
12 Insurers typically try to settle claims without going to court, though the process can take months.
13 Troika inspectors will meet the central bank on Thursday to try to settle on the figures.
14 Then I'll just try to settle everything down.
15 You thirst for life and try to settle the problems of life by a logical tangle.
16 My guess is they'll drag it out until you get to trial, then try to settle .
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