To come to an agreement or settlement of a dispute or argument, to attempt to sort something out between parties or to settle a case, to finish animosities.
Veure'n més 1 I should stay and try to sort out this chaotic situation.
2 We may yet resort to another to try to sort out this mess.
3 Geoff and Mary try to sort out their differences.
4 She needed some time to herself, to try to sort out her new feelings for Skylan.
5 The memories swirl as I try to sort out what is true and what is false.
6 They met on Thursday to try to sort out who gets which posts in the Cabinet.
7 They met on Thursday to try to sort out who will get which posts in the cabinet.
8 We try to sort out these problems slowly, in house. Not all delays are the fault of the police.
9 The Orange Order leadership today rejected a call to meet Sinn Féin representatives to try to sort out contentious parades.
10 The dual Derby-winning owner called for a concerted effort from administrators and bookmakers to try to sort out the problems.
11 Asian equities markets were likely undergoing a consolidation and moving sideways while investors try to sort out their story, she added.
12 It's those who're choosing to stay behind to try to sort out the mess that really should be getting the attention.
13 We were all terrified of being left behind, and did not even try to sort out the new sounds and smells.
14 To some degree, my candidacy has been a convenient focal point to try to sort out issues of ethnicity, assimilation, and diversity.
15 It should keep you happy while I try to sort out my stress test harness for the main implementation without the attached input devices.'
16 Doyle hesitated, trying to sort out the different interests in all this.
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