Encara no tenim significats per a "use nonmem".
1Population PK analysis was performed by non-linear mixed-effect modelling using NONMEM.
2A one-compartment model with first-order absorption was fitted to the data using NONMEM software.
3A population pharmacokinetic analysis was conducted using NONMEM 7.
4Concentrations were modelled using NONMEM and associated with treatment outcomes using unpaired t-tests or Pearson's rho correlations.
5The data were analyzed using NONMEM software.
6Plasma concentration versus time course was described either by a one-compartment model or by linear splines using NONMEM.
7Pharmacokinetic studies were performed for a period of 28 days, and population modeling was performed using NONMEM software.
8Most of the time, modelling was performed for descriptive purposes, with rich rather than sparse data and using NONMEM software.
9Blood samples were collected at day 3-5 of treatment, and pharmacokinetics parameters were evaluated using NONMEM® software.