Transliteration of יהוה (YHWH) with the vowel points of Adonai.
A name for the God of the Old Testament as transliterated from the Hebrew consonants YHVH.
Terms referring to the Judeo-Christian God.
1 Amos calls Jehovah the God of Hosts, never the God of Israel.
2 I am surprised by the Jehovah 's Witness theology, especially this last point.
3 But only the Kingdom of Jehovah will solve the problems of mankind.
4 We read in the Word that Jehovah God dwells in light inaccessible.
5 You will read in the Book how Jehovah set aside the sixth.
6 The Jehovah of the Old Testament is our Lord of the New.
7 I do not know Jehovah , and I will not let Israel go.
8 Then, Israel was enslaved and not yet so vastly helped by Jehovah .
9 But the Angel Jehovah also represents Jesus in His capacity of Judge.
10 You can stop the war, all of it, by working with Jehovah -
11 Their song celebrated the holiness and the glory of Jehovah of hosts.
12 Chris's parents, who are Jehovah 's Witnesses, believe his homosexuality is a sin.
13 Then voices were heard, the voice of Elohim in converse with Jehovah .
14 He insists on being addressed as Your Divinity or O Great Jehovah .
15 The implication is that the suffering is a revelation of Jehovah himself.
16 And Jehovah touched my eyes for the last time, and I beheld:
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