Statistical signals were found that associateloci with environmental parameters, and these loci behave atypically in comparison with the theoretical distribution for neutral loci.
More recently, genome-wide association studies have also pointed to disease risk- associatedloci.
Background: AF- associatedloci span broad genomic regions that may contain multiple susceptibility signals.
We identified candidate genes for 18 associatedloci through detailed annotation.
Across all GWAS, we identified hundreds of associatedloci, including 99 loci associated with general risk tolerance.
This enables systematic identification and prioritisation of likely causal variants and genes across all published trait- associatedloci.
In contrast, comparable efficiencies of inducing homologous donor-based genome editing were observed at disease- associatedloci in iPSCs.
While multiple studies support a role for genetic variation in CFS, genome-wide efforts to identify associatedloci remain unexplored.
The identification of nine novel neuroticism- associatedloci will drive forward future work on the neurobiology of neuroticism and related phenotypes.
We find that migraine has a shared genetic basis with a large number of traits, indicating pervasive pleiotropy at migraine- associatedloci.
Objectives: To define further genetic risk loci for sarcoidosis, we used the Immunochip for a candidate gene association study of immune- associatedloci.
Furthermore, we confirm the linkage of disease to a number of previously described lupus- associatedloci, demonstrating that they are relatively background independent.
We explored biological links between genes in the associatedloci using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis that emphasized their roles in embryonic development and function.
We identify 34 lncRNA- associatedloci that are conserved between birds and mammals and validate 12 of these in chicken.
True complex disease- associatedloci often exert modest effects, so their delineation currently requires integration of diverse phenotypic data from large studies to ensure robust meta-analyses.