We have no meanings for "certain clique" in our records yet.
1 And for a certain clique of four pretty girls, the fun has just started.
2 We understand perfectly well that a certain clique of self-seekers has arrogated to itself supreme control of the party.
3 Under Wu Ti, for example, almost all the important generals had belonged to a certain clique , which remained dominant under his two successors.
4 The independent Miss Blythe, whom a certain clique of Junior Red Cross girls accused of being domineering and "bossy," was thoroughly cowed.
5 No doubt this will raise howls among certain cliques of drivers who feel that control is being wrested from them.
6 'Though you do get certain cliques forming.
7 His country did not appreciate his deeds as highly as they deserved, and certain cliques in England decried his labours and aspersed his motives.
8 "O, no; not society, but a certain clique who weigh things in false balances," said Hemstead, quickly.
9 "Oh, Dick has been paying his respects to a certain clique in the High School, I take it," Tom replied, with a grin.
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