Aún no tenemos significados para "certain clique".
1And for a certain clique of four pretty girls, the fun has just started.
2We understand perfectly well that a certain clique of self-seekers has arrogated to itself supreme control of the party.
3Under Wu Ti, for example, almost all the important generals had belonged to a certain clique, which remained dominant under his two successors.
4The independent Miss Blythe, whom a certain clique of Junior Red Cross girls accused of being domineering and "bossy," was thoroughly cowed.
5No doubt this will raise howls among certain cliques of drivers who feel that control is being wrested from them.
6'Though you do get certain cliques forming.
7His country did not appreciate his deeds as highly as they deserved, and certain cliques in England decried his labours and aspersed his motives.
8"O, no; not society, but a certain clique who weigh things in false balances," said Hemstead, quickly.
9"Oh, Dick has been paying his respects to a certain clique in the High School, I take it," Tom replied, with a grin.
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