Speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly.
Make a clucking sounds, characteristic of hens.
Examples for "chatter "
Examples for "chatter "
1 The most obvious sign is the increasing chatter about a second referendum.
2 A certain amount of preliminary social chatter was required at this point.
3 There were hints of it in the social chatter of the papers.
4 The chatter this year is that it's the best start in decades.
5 Around this industry, large numbers had gathered simply to watch and chatter .
1 Rick listens to her prattle on for several minutes, and then apologizes.
2 Another week and time again for you to indulge my incorrigible prattle .
3 Even babies echoed the names of our two heroes in their prattle .
4 He pauses seriously to thank them in the midst of his prattle .
5 But to my pleasing task; again let me prattle to my friend.
1 People will not accept free seeds without a certain amount of palaver .
2 Spaghetti or any long ribbon pasta, in contrast, is a right palaver .
3 Now dey lib for Congo, dey not like the idea of soldier - palaver .
4 They continued their palaver throughout the afternoon and into the early evening.
5 One undeniable thing in this palaver is the Russian reputation for glamour.
1 When the meal was over, the children sate together in whispering tattle .
2 Is not this better than the indulgence in perpetual trifling and tattle ?
3 They cabal, and tattle , and hiss, and cackle comminations under their breath.
4 But asking a little girl to tattle on her friends seemed monstrous.
5 Social tattle and friendly interchange are not the only component, however.
1 One has only to blab in his cups and it all collapses.
2 Breanne will blab everything to her friends, to people at the party.
3 You let me blab about the soft places, about my family's secrets.
4 He would blab to my daddy, and I would get a whuppin'.
5 You blab to my wife, and I'll be as good as dead.
1 Not that I'm buyin' this technical twaddle for one minute, you understand.
2 Whoever, in a respected publishing house, was responsible for such whimsical twaddle ?
3 They are too sensible to indulge in mere twaddle about the weather.
4 We forget the immense amount of twaddle that the great epochs produced.
5 The solemn unction with which he pronounced this twaddle is beyond description.
1 There followed a tedious debate, a muddy flow of gabble and balderdash.
2 Shawn began to gabble with amazing speed and in a mighty voice:
3 Abolitionists sneered at all this gabble about the sacredness of the Constitution.
4 There was a brave gabble of tongues enough when I came in.
5 You were reciting some gabble on the steps a little bit ago.
1 We prate much of the family as the unit of the state.
2 We prate a lot about the fair sex and its sweet vanities.
3 The hardest part for a soldier to play is to prate well.
4 Quoth the Khalif, Thou shalt not forestall me with talk and prate .
5 But we prate like gossiping river-men.-Wiltsee the Skimmer of the Seas?
1 I am much obliged for your help, but you are talking piffle .
2 Listen: Instead of all this impossible piffle , let's start a real story.
3 One hoarse raucous piffle and three sharp decisive puffs for your arguments!
4 He wasted money, energy and wrote piffle , was his damning verdict.
5 The leader of the boys said: Aw, piffle , cut it out.
1 Tyson could speak, Tyson could write, where other men maunder and drivel.
2 Apian continued to maunder over the Ptolemaic theory and astrology in his lecture-room.
3 And while you maunder about restoring competition, the trusts go on destroying you.
4 All of which it is a comfort somehow to maunder away on here.
5 That is what his life has turned, but he will not maunder about it.
1 A monkey chained in one corner began to gibber and mow at me.
2 After that he will be left to gibber his visions to padded walls.
3 The salinae scream and gibber , desperate to communicate what they know.
4 He ached with desire to express and could but gibber prosaically as everybody gibbered.
5 Does she ask why? the assassin began to gibber .
1 And I started to blabber about how much she meant to me.
2 So, this was interestingtwo attorneys, an accountant, and a TV blabber person.
3 Why, you rotten, double-crossing, blabber - mouthed little tramp, I ought to kill you!
4 God knows, we're sure to hear enough of that blabber today.
5 Either way, you don't want to blabber along in a message about your cat's whole day.
1 Do you expect me to allow scandalous tittle - tattle to be spread about Town?
2 The General Here you see the effect of all this tittle - tattle .
3 This, however, is not mere tittle - tattle or tabloid fodder about romance.
4 Herein lies the secret of the avarice and tittle - tattle that poison provincial life.
5 And Minister, here's some juicy tittle - tattle we gathered for you earlier.
A simple valve with a hinge on one side; allows fluid to flow in only one direction.
Other meanings for "clack" 1 It made a gratifying clackety - clack sound every time I took a step.
2 The lickity - clack of the wheels on the track gobbled up the minutes.
3 And with them new high heels on the sidewalk clack , clack , clack .
4 He heard teeth snapping open and closed, a horrific clack , clack , clack .
5 He slammed the door and Judy heard the bolt clack into place.
6 He heard the clack as she put the rifle on the table.
7 Something bounced from it on the floor with a clack like wood.
8 They knew without his white hat, and the clack of his whip.
9 The clack of the stave against the blades echoed in the court.
10 The hatchway unlocked with a sharp clack and she hauled it open.
11 The hard clack of wood hitting wood jolted her from her thoughts.
12 There was a loud metallic clack as the wheel-lock mechanism was engaged.
13 Then a four for Fleming with a crisp clack through mid wicket.
14 He gave them a shake before letting them clack onto the table.
15 Misty air and the deafening clack of the train's wheels poured in.
16 He straightened, blinking, and a second later there was a quiet clack .
Other examples for "clack"
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