However, the participation of BMCs in the reconstruction of infarctedmyocardium remains unclear.
Conclusion: Irrigated RF energy produced relatively large lesions in infarctedmyocardium without thrombus formation.
However, limited data exist regarding the characteristics of irrigated RF lesions in infarctedmyocardium.
Infarctedmyocardium enhances during the first-pass MRI study unless there is microvascular or epicardial obstruction.
In infarctedmyocardium, extracellular recordings exhibit multiple deflections due to irregular pathway of the electric impulse.
This study showed the different SI patterns between recently infarctedmyocardium and chronic scar on the CE-cine MRI.
However, their in vivo reparative capability is limited due to lack of their survival in the infarctedmyocardium.
In conclusion, myocardial imaging using thallium reinjection method may be useful for the assessment of viability of the infarctedmyocardium.
Dynamic PET-CT imaging indicated rapid blood clearance via kidney filtration, and accumulation within a V β 3 -positive infarctedmyocardium.
The SI of the infarctedmyocardium on the CE-cine MRI was compared with that of the normal myocardium on the same image.
Conclusions: This study suggests that the MnDPDP-unenhanced area on the MR images includes not only the infarctedmyocardium but also the stunned myocardium.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of scar tissue composition on engraftment of progenitor cells into infarctedmyocardium.
Furthermore, Hsp20-MSCs improved cardiac function of infarctedmyocardium as compared with vector-MSCs, accompanied by reduction of fibrosis and increase in the vascular density.
Expansion (regional dilatation and thinning) of acutely infarctedmyocardium in man has been shown to correlate with overall cardiac dilatation and rupture.
As a further control group, rats injected with autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells into the infarctedmyocardium did not show increased susceptibility to PES.
However, the hUCB-MSCs showed remarkable variations in their therapeutic efficacy for repairing rat infarctedmyocardium (including the process of angiogenesis) 8 weeks after transplantation.