Recite with musical intonation; recite as a chant or a psalm.
Examples for "tone "
Examples for "tone "
1 However, he has taken on a more serious tone in recent days.
2 Analysts said that this could set the tone for the new year.
3 Despite Romney's new course on immigration, Ryan has taken a harder tone .
4 No clear image would come, no tone of voice or remembered words.
5 You must know best. Her tone clearly said she didn't believe that.
1 The chant I heard was as follows, but others are sometimes used:
2 Weary male voices chant 'One, two, free!', followed by a chain-clanking thump.
3 They would often chant common protest slogans between song breaks at TTN.
4 Record how long the chant was able to fend off stray thoughts.
5 Not in a day could he learn to chant in noble verse.
1 The ability to intonate will make digital assistants capable of similarly nuanced expression.
2 Of a truth, she had sworn never to actually speak again, but now it occurred to her that perhaps she might at least intonate .
3 And at last, when Sister Hyacinthe had clapped her hands, the whole carriage intonated the "Te Deum," the hymn of praise and thanksgiving.
1 There was no musical instrument, the performers were men, and the mele they cantillated went as follows:
2 The notes given below offer such a skeletal presentation of a song which the author heard cantillated by a skilled hula-master.
3 During his performance Kualii cantillated his song while handling a round wooden tray in place of a drum; his wife meanwhile performed the dance.
1 Hopefully there will be the chance to hear MC Grindah intone : Bang!
2 Somewhere in the distance I hear a siren intone its mournful tenor.
3 He got them to intone together as practice: President Trump, President Trump .
4 Subjects were asked to intone neutral-content sentences with happy, sad, and neutral prosody.
5 Or add to it: And with measured tone intone the Koran,2
6 His hands were in his pockets, but he appeared ready to intone forth:
7 The Leader of the camp must then intone the following:
8 And cheerily the good monk began to intone a verse of an old hymn,-
9 I heard the priests intone , and the booming of the guns firing the imperial salute.
10 President Donald Trump is oh so proud of having mastered the ability to intone , Person.
11 We must intone the hymn to Hera as protector of marriage, and invoke her blessing.
12 To his perception monks do not chant or intone , they bawl and bellow their litanies.
13 I would make up a lot more verses, intone the whole thing like a ballad.
14 Many talented actors solemnly intone -there is no other way -the awful details.
15 So, Mr. Lossing, when she got well I promised her, for a thank-offering, I'd intone .
16 Then Rabbi Thalmann began to intone the Kaddish.
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Indicative · Present