Old World upright plant grown especially for its large flat edible seeds but also as fodder.
1The tips of 6 vertically dependent radicles were touched once with dry caustic, in the manner described under Vicia faba.
2Lastly, the tips of several radicles of Vicia faba and Phaseolus multiflorus were thickly coated with grease for a length of 3 mm.
3With Vicia faba 19 radicles were cauterised; 12 remained horizontal during 23-24 h.; 6 became slightly and 1 strongly geotropic.
4Vicia faba: circumnutation of the same epicotyl as in Fig.
5Vicia faba: tracks left on inclined smoked glass-plates, by tips of radicles in growing downwards.
6Vicia faba: circumnutation of young epicotyl, traced in darkness during 50 hours on a horizontal glass.
7Vicia faba.-Radiclesof this plant were extended horizontally either over water or with their lower surfaces just touching it.
8Vicia faba: radicle, rectangularly bent at A, after the amputation of the tip, due to the previous influence of geotropism.
9Vicia faba: circumnutation of leaf, traced from 7.15 P.M. July 2nd to 10.15 A.M. 4th.
10Vicia faba.-Thetips of 13 radicles were coated with the grease for a length of 2 mm.
11Vicia faba: circumnutation of a radicle, at first pointing vertically upwards, kept in darkness, traced on a horizontal glass, during 14 hours.
12Vicia faba (Leguminosae, Fam.
Translations for Vicia faba