An accelerated rate of biologicalaging could contribute to this increased risk.
Problem: Epigenetic age indices are markers of biologicalaging determined from DNA methylation patterns.
A widely used marker of biologicalaging is telomere length.
This study assessed the contribution of genetic and nongenetic factors to biologicalaging in American Caucasians.
As the biologicalaging process demonstrates gender-specific characteristics, the analyses were performed separately in males and female.
These interventions may, however, work through different pathophysiological mechanisms and could differ in their impact on biologicalaging and somatic health.
Objective: Psychological factors such as the stress of caregiving are emerging as predictors of telomere length, an index of biologicalaging.
A common mechanism underlying premature declines in health may be accelerated biologicalaging, as reflected by leukocyte telomere length (LTL).
Background: Depressive and anxiety disorders have shown to be associated to premature or advanced biologicalaging and consequently to adversely impact somatic health.
During the course of biologicalaging, there is a gradual accumulation of damaged proteins and a concomitant functional decline in the protein degradation system.
Depression and depressive symptoms are associated with a range of morbidities and mortality, but the extent to which they predict biologicalaging is unclear.
It has been hypothesized that one way in which lower socioeconomic status (SES) affects health is by increasing the rate of biologicalaging.
Thus, CR reduces the platelet-derived growth factor-associated signaling cascade, contributing to the postponement of biologicalaging and preservation of a more youthful aortic wall phenotype.
Accordingly, we sought to develop a metabolomic signature of biologicalaging that could predict changes in physiological function with the convenience of a blood sample.
This study assessed the association between abuse exposure and shortening of telomere length (TL), a promising molecular marker for biologicalaging, in older victims.
Biologicalaging is associated with physiological deteriorations, which are partly due to changes in the hormonal profile.