(Of rules) stringently enforced.
Examples for "strict"
Examples for "strict"
1Future studies enrolling patients with true LAF using strict definition are needed.
2The case has brought new attention to El Salvador's strict abortion laws.
3The South American country has taken a strict view on quarantine measures.
4Rules are strict: fighting, drug use and alcohol abuse lead to expulsion.
5The country's strict lockdown has left millions in need of food aid.
1But timing will depend on costs and market conditions, not hard-and-fast schedules.
2There are no hard-and-fast rules in this State about advertising in schools.
3No hard-and-fast deadlines exist for getting a deal done, Glenn told Reuters.
4I did impose one hard-and-fast rule: a degree of consistency is required.
5But there are no hard-and-fast rules on who should be on them.
6As far as I am concerned, I cannot make any hard-and-fast plans.
7Lord Ormont thinks he had too hard-and-fast a system for the battle-field.'
8Rich nations are reluctant to make hard-and-fast commitments to boost funding.
9You will have hard work to settle it down into hard-and-fast noncommittal lines.
10There are no hard-and-fast rules for how to make chop suey.
11You are too big, too comprehending, Mr. Hodder, to have a hard-and-fast rule.
12There are no hard-and-fast rules, but these guidelines should help.
13She taught me to dance against and around the hard-and-fast beat of the music.
14But it now seems this is not a hard-and-fast rule.
15In any event, it's partly speculation on our part, with very little hard-and-fast proof.
16Some arrangement that partook more of the hard-and-fast was needed.