Unlike homoplasy, analogy offers an alternative theory as to the basis of the resemblance in question.
These independently evolved, but historically constrained, similarities-wewould now call them parallelisms-defineLankester's original concept of homoplasy.
These include compositional heterogeneity and homoplasy, which can lead to the spurious grouping of compositionally-similar or fast-evolving sequences.
Phylogenetic reconstruction using molecular data is often subject to homoplasy, leading to inaccurate conclusions about phylogenetic relationships among operational taxonomic units.
We concluded that SNPs and hypervariable VNTR loci are helpful to enhance the discriminatory power and decrease the VNTR homoplasy effect for defining clusters.
Here, we show that these informational gene alignments contain both significant compositional heterogeneity and homoplasy, which were not adequately modelled in the original analysis.
Our results show no homoplasies and are thus consistent with no recombination occurring on the chromosome.
Although this probably gives rise to occasional homoplasies between distantly related taxa, the elements of each species remain grouped together.
When their test for excess homoplasies was applied to our set of sequences, only a slight excess of homoplasies was observed.
Unfilled boxes indicate unique evolutionary changes, and filled black boxes indicate evolutionary changes that occurred more than once in different lineages (homoplasies).