You have brought with you tramontane creatures whose presence is an affront to the unsullied Earth.
You will surrender the tramontane conveyances to us.
Nay, even countries as presumptuously disdainful of tramontane literature as Italy took an interest in this memorable undertaking.
When I found myself in the streets, I scarcely could believe that I was in Italy, for everything had a tramontane appearance.
Colonel Robertson, Captain Clonder, Captain Brooke, Mr. Haward, Mr. Beverley, Dr. Robinson, Mr. Fontaine, Mr. Todd, Mr. Mason,-allof the Tramontane Order.
Uso de tramontana en inglés
The tramontana visited it then as now, fever, too, and sudden death.
Probably a sudden call from the tramontana brought it; even frost we had.
But we have had and are having some cold, some tramontana, and I have kept house ever since.
At Perugia, last spring, through weeks of tramontana, how one yearned for the sight of yellow English primroses!
Stepping warily over the crazy floors of these vast rooms, one does not envy Taglioni when the Tramontana blew.
Next morning I fled-fled to Milan-wasstabbed there by the Tramontana, fell ill, escaped to Genoa, and there recovered.
Also the east wind, which has been blowing steadily for ten days, and is nearly as keen as the Tramontana.
Oviedo (Historia General de las Indias) sometimes names this gulf the Arcipelago de La Tramontana, or the Arcipelago Septentrional-thenorthern archipelago.
Even when the Tramontana came, although it was cool, its coolness was not unpleasant, the adjacent hill sheltering the islets from its immediate influence.