He also has Williamssyndrome, which causes heart problems, and he is autistic.
Williamssyndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder associated with significant non-social fears.
Justin suffers from WilliamsSyndrome, a developmental disorder, which makes him incapable of looking after himself.
Cognitive testing showed an average IQ for both and no indication of the Williamssyndrome cognitive profile.
He has WilliamsSyndrome, a condition which has been described as the "opposite of autism" in children.
Jo-Lene Mahon's three-year-old son Liam has WilliamsSyndrome, a rare genetic condition which can cause cardiovascular disease and developmental delays.
Consistent with this elevated non-social fear, individuals with Williamssyndrome have an abnormally elevated amygdala response when viewing threatening non-social stimuli.
Craig Chaytor taught himself to make 360° videos to help his daughter Imogen, who has learning difficulties because of Williamssyndrome.
The authors describe the successful treatment of interfering anger, aggression, and hair-pulling with N-acetylcysteine in a 19-year-old woman with Williamssyndrome.
Williamssyndrome (WS) is a contiguous gene deletion disorder in which the commonly deleted region contains at least 17 genes.
Williamssyndrome is a genetic neurodevelopmental disorder with a distinctive phenotype, including cognitive-linguistic features, nonsocial anxiety, and a strong attraction to music.
Williamssyndrome is a relatively rare genetic disorder caused by the hemizygous microdeletion of a region in chromosome 7q11.23.
Individuals with Williamssyndrome had lower FA, compared to controls, in several of the prefrontal-amygdala pathways investigated, indicating a reduction in white matter integrity.
Youngsters with WilliamsSyndrome tend to be empathetic, social and endearing, but as adults they often struggle when people do not know how to react.
Williamssyndrome (WS) is a neurogenetic developmental disorder characterized by an increased affinity for music, deficits in verbal memory, and atypical brain development.
In Williamssyndrome (WS), a deletion of approximately 1.5 Mb on one copy of chromosome 7 causes specific physical, cognitive, and behavioral abnormalities.