Non-Indo-European language isolate spoken by the Basque people in parts of modern-day France and Spain.
1Writers uniformly take a wicked pleasure in maligning the Basque language.
2I carry with me the Gospel of St. Luke in the Cantabrian or Basque language.
3Dr. Farrar, referring to the Basque language, says:
4The announcement, published in Basque language newspaper Gara, follows a peace conference in the Basque country on Monday.
5But, its strangeness and isolation once allowed for, there is in reality much to defend in the Basque language.
6The plan was written in the Basque language and discovered in the cell of one of the ETA suspects.
7What of the Basque language?
8William von Humboldt, On the Basque Language).
9These people had remained half barbaric, had resisted both Romans and Goths, and retained their original or Basque language.
10I saw this absurd proclamation, which was published in French and in the Basque languages, and distributed all over the country.
11Itchoua then consults in a low voice, in Basque language, the two eldest, and they decide to do a bold thing.
12I have spoken of the surprising number of Sanskrit words contained in the Basque language, specimens of some of which will be found below.
13Given that Boro were pointless after two games and the newcomer's first name means "saviour" in the Basque language, it was perhaps timely.
14One of them sings some lines of verse into a microphone, a cappella, to which the other then responds, all in the Basque language, Euskera.
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Translations for basque language