1They didn't want to chat; they just wanted to watch Charlie cavort.
2The professor did not cavort when this statement came from his daughter.
3They nibble giant strawberries and cavort inside transparent spheres, naked as newborns.
4During whale watching season, whales and their offspring cavort whilst canoeists carefully circle.
5I'm a drunken, chemical-besotted playboy who does nothing but cavort, sleep, and feed.
6In their lunch hour they cavort to Beyoncé and Jay Z.
7She sank back against the doorjamb, shock making her nerves cavort.
8We liked to come upon animals unexpectedly, to see them buck-jump and cavort.
9In the wilderness, only the most terrible beasts of prey cavort and gambol.
10He wanted to bound and leap and cavort-buthe couldn't.
11Seahorses cavort, and at times the young were exploded in droves from the fathers pouch.
12Satisfied, sun-warmed, we sprawl in the grass and peel Satsumas and watch our kites cavort.
13Would you like to run around in meadows and generally cavort in pastures and so on?'
14In a different part, mice got to cavort with females, so they remembered that spot quite fondly.
15With a quick cavort he regained his seat and proceeded to fight with the mare for control.
16We'll sing, we'll dance, we'll cavort beneath the window, and help to while the dreary hours away.
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