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Most smaller oncogenic viral genomes usually persist solely as integrated DNAs despite their ability to circularize.
Which reminds me, Mr. Clacton, don't you think we should circularize the provinces with Partridge's last speech?
As soon as I get an itemized list, I'll circularize dealers and other possible buyers and ask for offers.
I'll see you later; I don't know how long it's going to take me to get a list prepared, and circularize the old-arms trade.
I'd look fine, wouldn't I, circularizing a dead story?
The principle of our method is to generate a library of circularized gDNA with minimized numbers of free ends.
"It takes $3000 every time you circularize the constituency, you know--
Using circularized chromosome conformation capture-based sequencing (4C-seq), we showed that sex differences in distal sex-biased enhancer-promoter interactions are common.
These circularized genomes are also reliably observed in vivo in the absence of antiviral therapy and they persist in non-dividing cells.
Using a recombinant shuttle vector, we have demonstrated that circularized rAAV intermediates impart episomal persistence to rAAV genomes in muscle tissue.
No test is ever conclusive, but very little information of value is to be obtained by circularizing less than five hundred names.
The Scholar Liang Chi Chao, spokesman of Chinese Liberalism, in an extraordinarily able message circularized the provinces in terms summarizing everything of importance.
We have developed a novel class of antisense agents, RNA Lassos, which are capable of binding to and circularizing around complementary target RNAs.
If integration does not occur when HIV-1 cDNA enters the nucleus, it circularizes upon itself and forms a 2-LTR circle.
He circularizes all the judges in town for old judicial robes, and in this way got two from Justice Peter Schmuck for a dollar apiece.