The subset of colors which can be accurately represented in a given circumstance, such as within a given color space or by a certain output device.
Examples for "gamut"
Examples for "gamut"
1She'd run a gamut of emotions today, but one remained, startlingly clear.
2It's thrilling to run the gamut as far as characters are concerned.
3His existing European investments run the gamut from retail to financial services.
4The kinds of disclosure violations in the SEC's cases run the gamut.
5The acquisition talk ran the gamut from conservative to aggressive on Thursday.
1That's because the whole upgrade here is a new color gamut.
2The original high-definition color standard captured a relatively small triangle of the human-perceivable color gamut.
3The Sony Trilluminous display supports a wide color gamut and HDR, resulting in fantastic visuals.
4Apple's ultra-wide color gamut, on top of the super-high resolution, makes it the best laptop display I've ever seen.
5When compared to plasmas, LED backlit sets also tend to have better energy efficiency, increased contrast and a richer color gamut.
6The recent announcement of Sharp's Limited Edition XS1U-S TV brings this tech home with a 150% NTSC color gamut and a contrast ratio of 1,000,000:1.
7The smaller iPad Pro supports not one but two color gamuts, including the kind used in 4K TVs.
8They have new screens with newly wide color gamuts, the same super-accurate tech it used in the iPad Pro.
9For one thing, the smaller iPad Pro supports not one but two color gamuts, including the kind used in 4K TVs.
10It's called the Color Gamut: a color map that can analyze an image or video to identify all of its colors in precise, three-dimensional space.
11Colors are rich and vibrant -the new Nexus 7 has a 30 percent wider color gamut than its predecessor.