These meditations, although they made him thoughtful, did not dispirit him.
These proceedings tended, in a great degree, to dispirit the attendants of Mr. Park.
No reverses seemed to dispirit him, no misfortune appeared to ruffle his calm, brave temperament.
The whole surrounding was calculated to dispirit the five officers, to say nothing of the occasion.
Even our largest problems need not dispirit us.
How little it takes to dispirit a lover!
He cannot hope to defeat Tesse, but he may wear out and dispirit his men by constant attacks.
It is an hortation which, by whomsoever delivered, would tend to dispirit the bravest and most honest of witnesses.
In fact, if one is not built to be easily dispirited, well, it is not easy to dispirit one.
However, you have chosen your course, and as it is too late to draw back now, I would not dispirit you.
More than fifty men, all of Marion's, were killed or wounded in this affair, but the loss did not dispirit the survivors.
In his examination of the Messiah, he justly observes some deviations from the inspired author, which weaken the imagery, and dispirit the expression.
The failure to get a few days' extension of time on so important a sum had the effect to dispirit Ellis a good deal.
A lax manner of administering justice, falsely termed moderation, has a tendency both to dispirit public virtue, and promote the growth of public evils.
The air, so sharp and chill after the tropics, served still further to dispirit him and add the concluding note of depression to his home-coming.
Josephus, fearing that their cries would dispirit the men, ordered them all to be locked up in their houses, and then calmly awaited the assault.