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Uso de human es em inglês
Jiménez, how sophisticated is the methodology for growing cultures of humanES cells?
However, recent reports describe variability in epigenetic states in comparisons among different humanES cell lines.
Here we show that this finding is also true with humanES cells (hESCs).
The results show that epigenetic variants arise within humanES cell cultures after cell line derivation.
Moreover, overexpression or suppression of human GPM6A in humanES cells led to an increase or decrease, respectively, of neuronal migration.
In this manuscript we describe the properties of two humanES cell lines, BG01 and BG02.
HumanES (hES) cell lines have only recently been generated, and differences between human and mouse ES cells have been identified.
This system should permit identification of regulatory pathways for human cardiomyocyte proliferation and may facilitate expansion of cardiomyocytes from humanES cells for therapeutic purposes.
These data provide a detailed characterization and an initial gene expression profile for the BG01 and BG02 humanES cell lines.