Plant leaves eaten as a vegetable.
Examples for "greens"
Examples for "greens"
1Good tidings; no weather catastrophes; no wind-trashed hospitality areas or sunken greens.
2But other measures in the budget will be less welcome to greens.
3Whether you plant in straight rows or wide rows, greens need thinning.
4When growing it, follow the guidelines for growing greens in Chapter 10.
5Tom said that greens on plateaus kept the golfer looking toward heaven.
1Plus, these leafy greens can't be sterilized without losing their character.
2Instead, you'll focus initially on leafy greens and other nonstarchy vegetables.
3Meal 3: White fish with sweet potato wedges and plenty of leafy greens.
4Serve with a raw salad of leafy greens vinaigrette and broiled chicken breasts.
5Serve this creamy dressing over spinach, watercress, arugula, or other dark leafy greens.
1Perfect for a winter meal, this hot dressing wilts the salad greens.
2To the amazement of our friends, he even wolfed down salad greens.
3All salad greens should be fresh, crisp, dry and cold before serving.
4Waters reinvented American produce and introduced a whole generation to organic salad greens.
5Lettuce and salad greens like arugula, mesclun, iceberg, romaine, spinach, and so on
1Nor let pot herbs be wanting, as beet-root, sorrel, and mallow.
2Shrinkage of greens or pot herbs during the canning process is usually due to insufficient blanching.
3Our mothers might call these herbs pot herbs.
4The pot herbs of the gods.
5He orders the bigger boys to carry logs of wood, and the little ones to gather pot herbs.
1How to boil, season, and serve beet tops, turnip tops, cabbage, sprouts, kale, spinach, mustard, or other vegetable greens.
2We have to eat smaller meals, 27-year-old Ma Oo said as she inspected tied bunches of vegetable greens at the market.
1Spinach is an amazingly healthy leaf vegetable.
2Even before the hurricanes, they produced half of the leaf vegetables eaten in Cuba, which imports about 60 percent of its food.
3A few leaf vegetables such as romaine, endive, radicchio, and cabbage can also be deliciously transformed by a short sojourn over a fire.
4Most green leafed vegetables remain at low retail prices except for celery which is in shorter supply as it grows through the bolting period.
Translations for leaf vegetable