The M2 promoter also contains sites which mediateinduction of transcription in neural cells by neurally active cytokines.
Thus, the p65 subunit of NF-kappa B is activated in GMCs exposed to cytokine and can mediateinduction of gene expression.
A binding assay was performed to determine whether estrogen interferes with HIF-1- mediatedinduction of VEGF.
The data presented here suggest a role for GBP-i in cytokine- mediatedinduction of viral and cellular genes.
We hypothesized that the small, cytoplasmic domain of HFE might be necessary for HFE- mediatedinduction of hepcidin.
The results indicated that the NF-kappaB binding site is essential but not sufficient for TNF- or IL-1- mediatedinduction.
Stress- mediatedinduction of pro-inflammation in the periphery contributes to depression-like behaviors both in humans and in experimental models.
Some viruses employ strategies to counteract inflammasome- mediatedinduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines, but their in vivo relevance is less well understood.
For example, inhibition of the NF-kappaB mediatedinduction of iNOS in epithelial cells could block important anti-apoptotic and anti-microbial survival mechanisms.
Moreover, p53- mediatedinduction of Notch1 expression was associated with stimulation of the activity of Notch-responsive reporters.
A growing number of studies document EGCG- mediatedinduction of apoptotic pathways and inhibition of pro-survival factors when combined with chemotherapy or radiation.
Previously, we demonstrated that a Sp1-based promoter is essential for constitutive transcription and a NF-kappaB-based intronic enhancer is responsible for cytokine- mediatedinduction.
We hypothesize that uPA- mediatedinduction of TF occurs in lung ECs to promote increased fibrin deposition in the airways during acute lung injury.
These challenges led to an increased PAD expression and protein citrullination and an ACPA- mediatedinduction of FLS migration through a mechanism involving phosphoinositide 3-kinase activation.
This block may occur through repression of ISRE- mediated transcription, since NS5A also inhibited the IFN- mediatedinduction of a reporter gene driven from an ISRE-containing promoter.
We investigated whether retinoids suppressed basal expression of Cox-2 or EGF- mediatedinduction of Cox-2 in human oral squamous carcinoma cells.