To date, the majority of pharmacogeneticstudies have been performed using germline DNA.
Yet to date there have been no pharmacogeneticstudies of BDNF in ADHD.
However, the common problem in pharmacogeneticstudies is the availability of samples, often limited.
Candidate gene pharmacogeneticstudies offer a strategy for the rapid assessment of putative predictive markers.
DNA collection in most clinical trials provides a wealth of samples from which pharmacogeneticstudies can be launched.
Prospective pharmacogeneticstudies are warranted to continue investigation of the impact of IDO polymorphisms on the development of IFN-a-induced depression.
This has prompted pharmacogeneticstudies, mostly with regard to their dose-concentration relationships, but also about proteins involved in their pharmacodynamics.
Although risperidone belongs to the first-line atypical anti-psychotics, there have been relatively few risperidone pharmacogeneticstudies, especially in Asian populations.
Different types of pharmacogeneticstudies may improve our understanding of the functional consequence of a genetic variant in the clinical setting.
These results provide experimental validation and estimated allele frequencies for polymorphisms in three common ethnic groups and facilitate applied pharmacogeneticstudies of anticancer drugs.
Available data, as well as previous pharmacogeneticstudies, suggest that genetics may contribute as much as 60-80% to the interindividual variability in treatment response.
Pharmacogeneticstudies investigating folate-related drug targets in the treatment of colorectal cancers and hematologic malignancies will subsequently be discussed.
Pharmacogeneticstudies attempt to discover and estimate the contributions of genetic variants to the variability in response to a drug treatment.