Edible seeds of certain species of pines.
Edible seed of any of several nut pines especially some pinons of southwestern North America.
Examples for "pignoli"
Examples for "pignoli"
1A few days later, my mother found a forgotten bag of pine nuts in the pantry and she made a double batch of pignoli.
2"Mother made an extra batch of pignoli for you," I said, holding out the plate of cookies.
1Pears and apples poached in tequila and brown sugar, with piñon nuts
2Zucchini blossoms stuffed with blue cornmeal dressing and piñon nuts
1Under the summer sun his skin turned brown as a pine nut.
2Sprinkle the pine nut mixture over the top.
3There was something stuck in her mouth, probably pine nut-studded rye bread dipped in walnut pesto.
4I was in the kitchen, drinking coffee and eating one of Pete's cranberry and pine nut muffins.
5Notes This recipe has been adapted from Yotam Ottolenghi's Portobello mushroom tarts with pine nut and parsley salsa.
6Spinach, feta, and pine nut tart
7The trees will be mainly local species that require less water, such as pistachio and pine nut, Naveed said.
8Basil and pine nut flatbread with prosciutto and Parmesan Basil is a herb that I simply can't get enough of.
10Pinoli pine nut and lemon tart The combination of lemon and pine nuts in this sweet tart is a classic.
11The wedding deaths occurred days after a U.S. drone strike killed 32 pine nut harvesters but which officials said was aimed at militants.
12In the Orient, the lichi, ginko and water chestnut, and in Italy and India the varieties of the pine nut are used to considerable extent.
13Our digestion experiments show the following results: for protein digestion of nuts, almond 89%, peanut 84%, pine nut 89%, Eng.
14Finish it off with chopped pine nuts, almonds, or a mixture thereof.
15Add the spices, seasoning and pine nuts then cook for 1 minute.
16Add pine nuts and cook, tossing often, until lightly golden in colour.
Translations for pine nut