To gather something into small wrinkles or folds.
Become wrinkled or crumpled or creased.
Disturb the smoothness of.
Examples for "ruffle"
Examples for "ruffle"
1I was startled; Olympos was usually impossible to shock or even ruffle.
2He could see the dull ruffle of the water under the wind.
3Such endeavours appeared to ruffle Belvedere, and certainly disrupted any game plan.
4The second photograph shows a Galliano ruffle dress hanging on a stand.
5His tempers were the ruffle of a passing breeze upon deep water.
1Your skirts will ruffle up around you and help to keep you warm.
2Now, don't ruffle up so, my love.
3Do not ruffle up thy feathers like a pigeon that has got bread-crumbs when he looked for corn!
4His low, direct tone and intent gaze made her uncomfortable, made her nerves ruffle up in a most irritating manner.
5The camp bullies and prime trappers of the party began to ruffle up, and to brag, in turn, of their perils and achievements.
1If I mess up, I have to lead by example and go.
2They mess up budgets, and the HSE must live within its budget.
3The last thing you want to do is mess up that moment.
4I just don't want anything to happen to mess up this sale.
5What if I do bad?' I was really afraid to mess up.
1This was perhaps because she disliked to rumple her beautifully starched skirts.
2She turned to rumple the smooth light thatch of his hair.
3His outfit was a color-clashing, coffee-stained rumple that stank of cigarettes and sweat.
4Besides, children are sticky little creatures who babble and cling and rumple clothing.
5Perhaps Clara had been afraid Peggy would rumple her dress.
6So she continued to playfully rumple his hair and kept her thoughts to herself.
7Besides, children rumple and spoil my dress, and she looked down at herself approvingly.
8Now Chloris laughed, and quittedherqueerembroidery in order to rumple up his hair.
9Ye shall not rumple thus my shift so white.
10I like dancing very much better with girls, for they never squeeze and rumple one.
11He allowed the man to stroke his head and rumple the thick fur on his back.
12She was afraid to refold the dress, almost afraid to touch it, lest she rumple it.
13It is, perhaps, more difficult to rumple up a bed than to put it in order again.
14Then he began to tear away his beautiful necktie and to recklessly rumple his gorgeous shirt front.
15I won't let you; you'd rumple me.
16Madame-(hastily)-Notthere ,mydear, you will rumple my skirt.
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