Examples for "blurt "
Examples for "blurt "
1 Or should he simply blurt out that his family were all soul-eaters?
2 It seemed wrong just to blurt out the truth, considering the circumstances.
3 The things you blurt out suddenly just as you leave a room.
4 You might as well tell me before you blurt it by accident.
5 But they tend to blurt the first thing that comes to mind.
1 Yet a detective knows that many sex offenders never manage to ejaculate .
2 Thus, this protein marks a subpopulation of sperm cells in the ejaculate .
3 The housekeeper now began to ejaculate in broken sentences, The base creature!
4 The innkeeper flung his head back to ejaculate , and murmured, 'Barto Rizzo!
5 As a consequence, the ejaculate is formed of prostatic fluid only.
1 Or should he simply blurt out that his family were all soul-eaters?
2 It seemed wrong just to blurt out the truth, considering the circumstances.
3 The things you blurt out suddenly just as you leave a room.
4 For he was always afraid I might blurt out the whole story.
5 She did not help him, and he could only blurt out bluntly.
1 He could say nothing at first, but managed finally to blunder out :
2 No man can mistake it, or well blunder out of it.
3 But, Anita, do not blunder out of one mistake into another.
4 How came he to blunder out such tidings to thee?
5 Run down in the night by a British liner that blundered into the fighting in trying to blunder out .
Commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake.
A foolish error, especially one made in public.
Другие значения термина "blunder" 1 We find a similar blunder in Spain, in the time of Cervantes:-
2 Volvo attributes the blunder to a battery problem caused by human error.
3 Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield has already apologised for the border blunder .
4 That incident, which NATO called a tragic blunder , triggered widespread violent protests.
5 Women are a blunder in the creation, and must take the consequences.
6 The blunder has been revealed to be much greater than first thought.
7 It was also, as some management sources privately acknowledge, a major blunder .
8 In all the classes I attended, I made some kind of blunder .
9 In bitterness of fear and self-reproach he at once realized his blunder .
10 This blunder in policy may perhaps be attributed to the following cause.
11 It is simply waiting for someone to blunder in down the hall.
12 May's next major blunder was to call the June 9 parliamentary election.
13 Apologize to the lady for the blunder of your godfathers and godmothers.
14 In 1610, this stupendous crime and blunder - unparalleled even in Spanish history-wasperpetrated.
15 Despite being below their best until the Doucouré blunder , they passed it.
16 The first is fanciful but it would explain Harper's economic forecast blunder .
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