Form of hardened dental plaque.
Concretion of material, usually mineral salts, that forms in an organ or duct of the body.
A hard lump produced by the concretion of mineral salts; found in hollow organs or ducts of the body.
Examples for "concretion "
Examples for "concretion "
1 He found the secluded recess, and the ancient concretion he had seen before.
2 These are the shape and motions of the fluid which gives the calcareous concretion .
3 A concretion of rounded quartz pebbles, cemented by ferruginous matter, apparently of recent formation.
4 For Coryphene, they brought a chair carved from a single concretion of blood coral.
5 Sixteen years before the concretion was passed she was known to have swallowed a tooth.
Другие значения термина "calculus" 1 That means we have to change the calculus of cost versus benefit.
2 Of course you could do this analytically using a bit of calculus .
3 Schenck mentions a calculus perforating the bladder and lodging in the groin.
4 The modern calculus of profit and loss probably meant nothing to Ivan.
5 Moreover, calculus around operational risk is necessarily based on subjective management judgement.
6 It's just that we make decisions based on a particular stubborn calculus .
7 One must also keep in mind renal calculus in determining bowel diseases.
8 Zamora said the meeting shows that the calculus around robusta is changing.
9 How will the extent of Iranian casualties change the calculus in Tehran?
10 But the shooting down of the Malaysian airline changed the political calculus .
11 Even calculus and geometry represent the need for something beyond the individual.
12 The Ephemerides speaks of a calculus coming away with the menstrual fluid.
13 Scores on calculus midterms shot up by an average of fifteen points.
14 With a U.S. election due in November, the calculus may have changed.
15 Nobody else could make calculus even remotely interesting, I'm sure of it.
16 I did learn calculus , but I can't remember how to do it.
Другие примеры для термина "calculus"
Grammar, pronunciation and more
Translations for calculus
Calculus в диалектах
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