Progenitor cell expansion was most prominent in cirrhoticanimals, and correlated with transcript levels of pro-fibrotic genes.
Blood cell suspension or monocytes from cirrhoticanimals, but not from controls, induced arterial hypotension in recipient rats.
Results: In response to incremental increases in flow, cirrhoticanimals produced significantly less NO(x) than control animals.
In the aorta from cirrhoticanimals, both nNOS protein expression and cGMP concentration were significantly elevated compared with control.
Increased plasma arginine vasopressin concentrations in the cirrhoticanimals were also repressed with 7-NI in association with diminished water retention.
NOS activity was significantly reduced in liver tissue from cirrhoticanimals compared with control animals in the presence of similar eNOS protein levels.
Results: CB1 receptor blockade did not modify systemic hemodynamics in control rats, but significantly increased arterial pressure and peripheral resistance in cirrhoticanimals.
Cirrhoticanimals had a significant increase in water and sodium retention.