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Значения термина cloned mice на английском
Значения для термина "cloned mice" отсутствуют.
Использование термина cloned mice на английском
Here, we report the production of clonedmice from urine-derived cells collected noninvasively.
The results suggest that these clonedmice had normal fertility.
Healthy clonedmice were then produced from these nuclear transferred embryonic stem cells by serial nuclear transfer.
Activity level, motor ability and coordination, and learning and memory skills of clonedmice were comparable with controls.
Heterozygosity of the donor ES cell genome has been suggested as a crucial factor for long-term survival of clonedmice.
Increased body weight was attributable to higher body fat and was associated with hyperleptinemia and hyperinsulinemia indicating that clonedmice are obese.
These studies represent the first comprehensive set of data to characterize clonedmice and provide critical information about the long-term effects of somatic cell cloning.
Here we report production of clonedmice from bodies kept frozen at -20 degrees C for up to 16 years without any cryoprotection.
Clonedmice were not hyperphagic as adults and had hypersensitive leptin and melanocortin signaling systems.