To produce as return, as from an investment; to give or supply.
(Especially of a male parent) to procreate or generate.
1 Iran says it merely wants to generate nuclear power for civil purposes.
2 Iran denies the claim, saying it needs the technology to generate power.
3 Let households, companies, mines and municipalities generate and sell power, he said.
4 Grayling said: The route continues to generate substantial returns for the government.
5 Quarterbacks from North Dakota State do not usually generate much national attention.
6 In short BvS is expected to generate an industry within an industry.
7 We have great potential to generate power, president Tsakhia Elbegdorj told reporters.
8 Repurposed content can allow users to generate new perspectives of digital holdings.
9 However, he said the move could generate more traffic for the label.
10 Economists say the economy would likely generate that amount of jobs anyway.
11 Expansionary policies increase demand and revenues and therefore generate more tax revenues.
12 Pearson used this endorsement to help raise funds and generate further support.
13 Start-stop technology will save power and regenerative braking will help generate it.
14 It will not, however, generate meaningful cost synergies, a Milan-based analyst said.
15 However, non-Majorana mechanisms can also generate similar signatures, especially in disordered samples.
16 This could help generate better jobs and living standards for New Zealanders.
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