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Rounds two and three required participants to rate questions on a seven point ordinalscale.
Two radiologists, blinded to clinical information, independently scored subjective image quality on a five-point ordinalscale.
Participants in the study would get scores, every day, calculated on what's called an ordinalscale.
A decision tree analysis aides in the practical, evidence-based, comprehensive examination diagnostic accuracy post-testing based on the ordinalscale pretest probability.
Two blinded rhinologists scored the extent of staining (using an ordinalscale of 0 to 3) for each side.
Plates were rated 7 days later for seed germination, seed rot, and lesion development, using an ordinalscale (1).
However, findings based on nonparametric methods for an ordinalscale (functional impairment) were not sensitive to whether or not deaths were included in the analysis.
The best interrater agreement was found for trained periodontists using the five-point ordinalscale of the before-after panel scoring system (kappa=0.68).
Seven properties of the items were identified and rated in ordinalscales by 39 Occupational Therapists worldwide.