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Использование термина supervene upon на английском
A synthetic vision of personality must superveneupon the dissection, and the emotional interest in character and action must subsist alongside of the intellectual interest.
A certain practical sobriety supervenesupon subsequent affairs of the heart.
Gnosticism has supervenedupon the rudimental childhood of spiritual truth.
Another incident supervenedupon the munitions outcry; Lord Fisher resigned from the Admiralty on 15 May.
They have gloried that there supervenedupon this paganism the religious revival which the Reformation was.
Guy Waring, Mrs. Clifford repeated at last, breaking the awkward silence that supervenedupon the group.
Among the Greeks and Romans political society supervenedupon gentile society, but not until civilization had commenced.
Under the influence of a typhus fever, superveningupon gout, he had begun to decompose while yet alive.
The aesthetic interest in the work as living supervenesupon the interest in it as a mere reminder of life.
And this value we should be able to discover by seeking the difference which supervenesupon experience through expression of this kind.
A first shift in aspiration, a capacity for radical altruism, thus supervenesupon the lust to live and accompanies parental and social interests.
Superveningupon her ordinary cardiac attack after supper, Mrs. Maldon had had, in the night, an embolus in one artery of the brain.
Then beauty supervenesupon mere utility, and a value for contemplation grows out of and, for the moment, supplants a value in use.
Pneumonia, superveningupon influenza-thatis what the doctors called it; but it was really a complication of disorders, some of them of long standing.