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Bradford city council officials, off-duty policemen and guests from Bradford 's twintown, Munchengladbach, were there to celebrate.
Rudy looked straight up, but there were no lights on anywhere in the twintown houses, not even in the penthouse.
What do the following British films have in common: TwinTown, Human Traffic, Ill Manors and Spike Island?
Allen, who started out in the Comic Strip TV troupe, turned director with TwinTown, set in his native Swansea.
Tipperary: Towns throughout Co Tipperary celebrated Saint Patrick's Day and invited dignitaries and children from twintowns in other parts of Europe.
Residents of the twintowns were advised by Blaine County Sheriff Gene Ramsey to be ready to leave at a moment's notice.
Many years later the film TwinTown, which is about joyriding in Swansea, updated that phrase to "pretty shitty city".
The twintowns, old and new Oloron, present the contrast so often seen throughout France, picturesque, imposing antiquity beside utilitarian ugliness and uniformity.
The twintowns are home to the majority of the followers of the incarcerated Jeffs, and FLDS members control most aspects of city government.
Lake Hume, one of Australia's largest inland waterways, is only a matter of minutes from the twintowns of Albury-Wodonga, which straddle the Murray River.